The future of the pro-life movement is one of multi-faceted support – for child, mother, and father – and extends beyond the initial pregnancy decision. Pro-life is not simply “anti-abortion.” Pro-life work envelops and witnesses to the belief that all human life is created equal, regardless of size, legal development, education, and degree of dependency. Consequently, by this definition, taking a life of a pre-born baby is a violation of the fundamental right to life. As Christians, we must begin to view the issue of life through the lens of discipleship and find ways to offer long-term practical and spiritual support for life decisions. Pro-life work in our day requires witness and action to share these beliefs with the expectation to protect and defend the most vulnerable—life in the womb.
Life Care Pregnancy Center provides Christian direction and support to individuals and families facing a pregnancy decision. As such, our time with these families is limited, however our goal is always to ensure women, men, and families continue to receive ongoing Christian discipleship, fellowship, and personal support well beyond their participation in our program. The church is perfectly situated to do this, but we need a strong network of local churches that are equipped for this task.
Please read more to learn about the many resources which exist to help your church boldly serve families & support LIFE! If your church chooses to participate in any of these pro-life initiatives, or offers other means of compassion ministry or support, please let us know! Our desire is to develop close ministry partnerships with local churches that have taken intentional steps to become places of welcome, discipleship, and practical support for those facing life decisions, so that we may encourage personal connections as early as possible in their time with us.
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." ~ John 10:10
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Making Life Disciples is a simple, easy-to-access basic training that allows your church to begin a non-political, holistic, gospel-centered approach to caring for the abortion-vulnerable. The low-cost training teaches people in your church how to offer practical help and discipleship to people who are in the midst of making difficult pregnancy decisions.
House of Refuge churches are safe places for those facing unplanned pregnancies or who have experienced the trauma of abortion to receive the help they need without any shame or condemnation. Local churches that clearly communicate to their people how they will respond to an unplanned/crisis pregnancy and have a clear plan in place to care well for those families.
Worthy is a church mentorship program for women who have experienced unexpected pregnancies. Worthy facilitates a one-to-one relationship between women—a trained mentor and a woman who has experienced an unplanned pregnancy. They will journey through practical topics such as value, identity, grief, and hope as they also explore the person of God and the good news of His Gospel.
24:7 Dad is a voluntary, comprehensive fatherhood program designed to help men improve their parenting skills and fathering knowledge. The program focuses on building self-awareness, self-caring, and parenting, fathering, and relationship skills. The fatherhood curriculum is used by hundreds of organizations across the country to train fathers to be involved, responsible, and committed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.
Embrace Legacy is a support group for fathers who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. This program empowers fathers to walk in purpose, freedom, and ultimately write a story that creates a legacy worth leaving.
Embrace Life is a 22-week Support Group for single moms offered under the covering of a church. Once a mom has had her baby, the 'crisis' of an unplanned pregnancy seems to transition into a 'hustle mode' and she desires to figure things out. Embrace Life is a great transitional curriculum that allows you and your team to not only love her, but point her to Jesus while helping with practical topics she desires to learn about.
The Single Life of a Mom exists to improve the lives of single mothers by providing support groups and education in 3 core areas: Parenting, Finances, and Health & Wellness. TLSM has worked to launch or improve over 1,750 Single Mom support groups across the nation, so single moms can receive the support needed to thrive.
Surrendering the Secret is a ministry designed to help women heal from the hurt of abortion. Abortion affects people of all walks of life. Surrendering the Secret provides resources for women that have had abortions, and opportunities for others to help support these women. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief can become a heavy burden, and many feel that they will never be free, but there is hope.
Forgiven and Set Free is a scripture-based study that helps hurting women find hope and healing after an abortion. No matter what influences them to end a pregnancy, the physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects are real.
Reclaiming Fatherhood is a ministry designed to help men heal from the hurt of abortion. Abortion affects people of all walks of life. No matter what influences them to encourage their partner to end a pregnancy, the physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects are real. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief can become a heavy burden, and many feel that they will never be free, but there is hope.
Christian Adoption Services is non-profit agency that is committed to connecting vulnerable children with a Christian family through three programs central to the ministry: domestic adoption, international adoption, and foster-to-adopt. Domestic staff works with expectant parents who have decided to place their baby for adoption as well as those who are already parenting but have decided to place their child(ren) for adoption. The foster-to-adopt program is run through Baptist Children's Homes of NC.
The focus of Lifeline Children's Services remains on an eternity with Christ for the child and the parent, and we believe a gospel-centered family is an amazing window to their salvation. Our desire is to come alongside Christian missional families with resources they will need to find and nurture their children, as they become disciples who make disciples. As you and your church find ways to care for the vulnerable around you, Lifeline is here to resource you with trainings, ministry platforms, and educational pieces on orphan care.
Leadership Institute has trained pro-life activists involved in every major pro-life policy fight and campaign since its founding. Now that the Dobbs decision has fundamentally changed the public policy landscape, LI is renewing its commitment to support pro-life activists. The Leadership Institute's programs utilize expert in-house staff with real-world experience working in pro-life campaigns and veteran faculty who are actively engaged in the pro-life fight at local, state, and national levels.
The mission of Sidewalk Advocates for Life is to train, equip, and support communities across the United States and the world in sidewalk advocacy: to be the hands and feet of Christ, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to all present at abortion and abortion-referral facilities, thereby eliminating demand and ending abortion. Sidewalk Advocates aims to transform the sidewalk in front of every abortion and abortion-referral facility in America and beyond into a place of real help and hope and end abortion.
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. It is the world's largest grassroots movement to end abortion.
We do not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.
© 2023 Life Care Pregnancy Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization